
TU/e students working on smart zones

Bumbal is always working on further optimizing existing functionalities and/or adding new functions to the transport software. Of course we do this with our own team, but we also like to use the fresh perspective of students. That is why a group of about 10 TU/e students (computer science) started an assignment in consultation with the Bumbal lead technician (Mortada). They are investigating whether a function of smart zoning can be added within Bumbal and how this should take shape.

Zones | Transportation software

Many Bumbal users use the zone (zip code areas) function in their planning. With this you can, for example, set simple day-region formats or you can use certain drivers/deliveries on fixed zones/routes. This is therefore a useful function for smarter filtering or adapting the planning to available capacity in certain cases. You can set and adjust zones yourself as a user. In most cases this is done on the basis of experience or specific changes. However, over time, the principles of planning and zones will of course changed continuously. Think of new addresses, other customers, more or less available vehicles, etc. As a planner, you do not always have the opportunity to monitor this extensively and to adjust it. That is why we are now looking at smart zoning together with the TU/e students.

Develop smart features

TU/e and Mortada are working on creating smart zoning. They do this on the basis of analyzes of historical data. The TU/e students are developing a concept web tool for this, which should then be able to be linked to a Bumbal account. In this web tool you as a user can perform impact analyzes based on time and distance (costs). This will be displayed in a clear way with a graphic design. You can also adjust outcomes manually and run different scenarios. As soon as a zoning comes out that you are completely satisfied with, you can transfer it to your Bumbal account. So we eagerly await which solution the TU/e students will come up with and whether we can then turn this into a nice smart zoning function. Would you like to know more about smart zoning? Please contact Mortda – mortada@bumbal.eu for further explanation or call 013-2201600.

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