Stationsstraat 29, 5038 EC Tilburg / 0031 - (0)13 220 1600

Stationsstraat 29, 5038 EC Tilburg / 0031 - (0)13 220 1600
We go on living at home longer and longer and that is why ever more people are structurally demanding homecare. This varies from delivering aids and medicines to administering medicines at home. With the right software, the right homecare planner, this can be done in a very efficient and at the same time customer friendly manner. Bumbal offers all possibilities to make appointments easily, maintain an efficient route and correctly communicate with customers and patients by means of track and trace.
Planning appointments with people that need homecare is often a time-consuming job. Calling to make an appointment, confirming it and in many cases again changing the appointment mean that this is a day’s work. This can be done differently. With Bumbal software the patient himself chooses the moment that best fits into their diary. The software automatically asks the client to answer this question and sees to a confirmation of the appointment.
To deliver medicines and care-aid products, the customer easily plans the appointment himself. The time-slots the customer can choose from perfectly fit into an efficient route, that you make with a touch of a button. In this way you save kilometres and home-delivery and home-care become much more sustainable and efficient. Are you going to be late? Or a bit early? By means of track and trace the customer follows where you are and what is the estimated time of arrival. In this way Bumbal takes care of the best customer experience.
Home-vaccination goes for convenience. Among other things, due to the fact that vaccinations are provided at home. The professionals come round when it fits the customer: also in the evening and during the weekend. Because “” (Home-vaccination) wants to make things as easy as possible for the customer, everything can be arranged online: from filling in the health certificate to making an appointment. And this is a perfect fit for Bumbal, of course. Home-vaccination is one of our satisfied customers. We received the following reaction from them:
“We deploy Bumbal when making appointments to vaccinate people at home. Bumbal is linked to our customer portal, where customers report their time-slot preferences. Freedom of choice for the customer and efficient for both us and the customer!”