Stationsstraat 29, 5038 EC Tilburg / 0031 - (0)13 220 1600
Stationsstraat 29, 5038 EC Tilburg / 0031 - (0)13 220 1600
Bumbal has been using groups of students from TU/e for some time to further develop the planning software for planning vehicles. These are third-year computer science students who work in groups of about 10 students on practical projects for their studies. This collaboration between Bumbal and TU/e started with the assignment of setting up a concept for a dynamic planning board in 2022. This is a function with which you can also adjust the planning directly in the planning board overview. This feature will actually be added to Bumbal at the end of 2023/early 2024.
Recently, a group of students has been working on a web tool design for dynamic smart zones. You can use the zone function in Bumbal to, for example, make day-region schedules. However, over time, the principles of planning and zones change continuously. Think of new addresses / other customers / more or less available vehicles / etc.. As a planner you do not always have the opportunity to monitor this extensively and to adjust it. With dynamic zones we want to develop a Bumbal web tool with which the user can calculate scenarios based on periodic impact analyzes of historical data and thus receive advice on the most optimal usage of zones. In this way zones can always stay up-to-date.
The dynamic zone project has been completed by the first group of students. Next year, a second group will develop this further. After this we want to add this as an extra feature to Bumbal to make vehicle planning even easier. In the second half of this year, another group of students will start working on a simulation tool for schedules based on repeating stops, addresses that must be visited in a certain agreed frequency. Repeating schedules are subject to change because new customers are added, certain appointments change or customers may drop out. What you, as a user, would like to be able to do is periodically run a simulation that provides advice on the best ride schedules to meet all repeating agreements / stops as optimally as possible. That is what the TU/e students will be working on. We have the ambition to add this also as a feature to Bumbal.
Would you like to know more about Bumbal’s TU/e student innovation projects? Contact Mortada – for additional (online) explanation or non-binding demo or call 013-2201600. Or fill in the contact form at